In the same section
- 21 February 2022: Stakeholder meeting
On 21 February 2022, in the framework of Task 0.2: Interactions with stakeholders under WP0 - General project management and dissemination of the DemandFlex project, the team had a meeting with Dirk Vansintjan who is the President of RESCoop (the European federation of citizen energy cooperatives) and one of the founding members of Ecopower (a Belgian citizen energy cooperative with nearly 60,000 members)
- 21 February 2022: We are hiring: PhD position
In the BEAMS department of the École polytechnique de Bruxelles of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), we have a fully-funded PhD position in the framework of the DemandFlex research project funded by the Belgian Federal Energy Transition Fund, and we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate with an interest in techno-economic optimization of electricity markets.
The prospective PhD candidate will work on the technical aspects of demand flexibility foreseen in the DemandFlex project research under co-supervision of Pierre Henneaux and Mohammad Moradzadeh. The detailed job description and application procedure can be found here. - 1 January 2022: New Team Member: Marie Beudels
We are happy to have a new team member onboard! Since 1 January 2022, Marie Beudels has joined DemandFlex as a PhD researcher in law.
Marie graduated in 2019 from a Master degree in law from the University of Liège and in 2020 from a Master of Laws (LL.M) from Harvard Law School. Marie will be working on WP2 (T2.1, T2.2) of DemandFlex project under the supervision of Prof. Emmanuel Slautsky and will analyse the Belgian regulatory restrictions to the flexibility of electricity demand. Prior to joining the ULB and DemandFlex, Marie has worked as a lawyer at the Brussels bar and as legal researcher at the KU Leuven Center for IT & IP law.
Welcome Marie! - 8 November 2021: DemandFlex kick-off meeting held
On 8 November 2021, the kick-off meeting of DemandFlex was held. Project senior and junior scientific team members from ULB met with François Brasseur and Charles-Hubert Clérin from FPS Economy.
They discussed the scope of the project in details and on agreed on ways to increase the synergies with other ongoing ETF projects. Future meetings and discussions are planned as well.
The ULB team had a presentation which can be found here. - 1 October 2021: New Team Member: Leticia Pieraerts
We are happy to have a new team member with us! Since 1 October 2021, Leticia Pieraerts has joined DemandFlex. Leticia will be working on WP3 (T3.1, T3.2).
Her full research and CV can be found here.
Welcome Leticia! - 1 October 2021: DemandFlex project formally started
On 1 October 2021, project "Improved Security of Electricity Supply by Demand Flexibility (acronym DemandFlex)“ formally started. It is a 5-year Energy Transition Fund (ETF) project funded by FPS Economy
with a total budget of EUR 1.15 m.
Making demand more flexible can be an essential lever to ensure the reliability of the electricity network without requiring massive investments in capacity.
However, there are still legal, economic and technical obstacles exploiting the full potential of flexible demand. DemandFlex project aims to study these obstacles, to provide solutions in order to make demand as flexible as possible and to demonstrate the beneficial effect of these solutions on the security of supply in electricity and the balance of the transmission network.